Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:
Merz MK1, Amirouche F, Solitro GF, Silverstein JA, Surma T, Gourineni PV.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2014 Dec 18. [Epub ahead of print]
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Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Percutaneous in situ single screw fixation is the preferred treatment for stable and unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). The recommended screw placement is in the center of the epiphysis and perpendicular to the physis, which necessitates an anterior starting point for most SCFEs. A recent clinical study has shown good clinical results with a laterally based screw for SCFE, which is oblique to the physis. We sought to biomechanically compare these 2 techniques for load to failure and hypothesized that the laterally based oblique screw is equivalent or superior to an anteriorly based perpendicular screw.
PMID: 25526584 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:
Merz MK1, Amirouche F, Solitro GF, Silverstein JA, Surma T, Gourineni PV.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2014 Dec 18. [Epub ahead of print]
Todos los derechos reservados para:
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Percutaneous in situ single screw fixation is the preferred treatment for stable and unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). The recommended screw placement is in the center of the epiphysis and perpendicular to the physis, which necessitates an anterior starting point for most SCFEs. A recent clinical study has shown good clinical results with a laterally based screw for SCFE, which is oblique to the physis. We sought to biomechanically compare these 2 techniques for load to failure and hypothesized that the laterally based oblique screw is equivalent or superior to an anteriorly based perpendicular screw.
Twenty-two paired immature porcine femurs were used to compare the techniques. A SCFE model was created in all femurs using a previously published technique by performing a 30-degree posterior closing wedge osteotomy through the proximal physis. In the control group, a screw was placed perpendicular to the slip with an anterior starting point. In the experimental group, the screw was started as close to the mid-lateralcortex of the proximal femur as possible while maintaining the screw anterior to the posterior cortex of the femoral neck and ending at the apex of the epiphysis ignoring the resultant angle to the physis for the experimental group. The specimens were then potted and loaded in a physiologically relevant posteroinferior direction (30 degrees posterior from vertical) to determine load to failure (N) and stiffness (N/mm).
No statistical difference was found between the 2 groups in maximum load to failure or stiffness (P>0.05).
Twenty-two paired immature porcine femurs were used to compare the techniques. A SCFE model was created in all femurs using a previously published technique by performing a 30-degree posterior closing wedge osteotomy through the proximal physis. In the control group, a screw was placed perpendicular to the slip with an anterior starting point. In the experimental group, the screw was started as close to the mid-lateralcortex of the proximal femur as possible while maintaining the screw anterior to the posterior cortex of the femoral neck and ending at the apex of the epiphysis ignoring the resultant angle to the physis for the experimental group. The specimens were then potted and loaded in a physiologically relevant posteroinferior direction (30 degrees posterior from vertical) to determine load to failure (N) and stiffness (N/mm).
No statistical difference was found between the 2 groups in maximum load to failure or stiffness (P>0.05).
A laterally based screw oblique to the physis for in situ fixation in mild SCFE is not significantly different than an anteriorly based screw perpendicular to the physis in load to failure and stiffness in our study model.
A laterally based screw oblique to the physis for in situ fixation in mild SCFE is not significantly different than an anteriorly based screw perpendicular to the physis in load to failure and stiffness in our study model.
In light of no difference in load to failure of these 2 constructs, surgeons may be more comfortable with the traditionallateral entry point while still aiming for screw placement in the center of head.
In light of no difference in load to failure of these 2 constructs, surgeons may be more comfortable with the traditionallateral entry point while still aiming for screw placement in the center of head.
La sola fijación in situ percutánea del tornillo es el tratamiento preferred para la epífisis femoral capital deslizada estable e inestable (SCFE). La colocación recomendada del tornillo está en el centro de la epífisis y del perpendicular al physis, que hace necesario un punto de partida anterior para la mayoría del SCFEs. Un estudio clínico reciente ha mostrado buenos resultados clínicos con un tornillo lateralmente basado para SCFE, que es oblicuo al physis. Intentamos biomechanically comparar estas 2 técnicas para la carga al incidente y presumimos que el tornillo oblicuo lateralmente basado es equivalente o superior a un tornillo perpendicular anterior basado.
Veintidós fémures porcinos no maduros emparejados fueron utilizados para comparar las técnicas. Un modelo de SCFE fue creado en todos los fémures usar una técnica previamente publicada realizando una osteotomía posterior de la cuña del closing de 30 grados con el physis próximo. En el grupo de control, un tornillo era perpendicular puesto al resbalón con un punto de partida anterior. En el grupo experimental, el tornillo fue enroscado tan cerca a la corteza mediados de-lateral del fémur próximo como sea posible mientras que mantenía el tornillo anterior a la corteza posterior del cuello femoral y termina en el ápice de la epífisis no haciendo caso del ángulo resultante del physis para el grupo experimental. Los especímenes eran entonces potted y cargados en una dirección fisiológico relevante del posteroinferior (30 grados de posterior de vertical) para determinar la carga al incidente (n) y a la tiesura (N/mm).
No se encontró ninguna diferencia estadística entre los 2 grupos en carga máxima al incidente o a la tiesura (P>0.05).
Un tornillo lateralmente basado oblicuo al physis para la fijación in situ en SCFE suave no es perceptiblemente diferente que un perpendicular anterior basado del tornillo al physis en carga al incidente y tiesura en nuestro modelo de estudio.
A la luz de ninguna diferencia en carga al incidente de estas 2 construcciones, los cirujanos pueden ser más cómodos con el punto de entrada lateral tradicional mientras que todavía apuntan para la colocación del tornillo en el centro de la pista.
PMID: 25526584 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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